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Who I Am

Updated: May 3, 2021

Hi! I'm Madalyn, farmer/florist and owner/operator of Aurora Rose Flower Farm. Thank you so much for visiting us! I am a full time flower grower and florist and I am excited for our fourth growing season to begin.

I have always enjoyed and adored flowers. Roses and wild sweet peas remind me of my Grandma Lauwers as they decorated most of the driveway leading up to my grandparents house before she passed. Ovarian cancer took her from us the fall I started high school. But when she was home in hospice care, the scent of roses flowed through the house as if it was beckoning her home, bringing us a little peace during that time. I can't smell a rose without thinking of my mother's mother just like I can't see a tulip and not think of my father's mother. Easter's at my Grandma Parsch's we would find tiny crocus' peaking out of the snow some springs and others the daffodils and tulips would be standing tall and proud encircling her house. I find flowers in so many of my memories so it makes sense that they would one day be the focus of my career.

Now I get to spend my days surrounded by beauty, working along side my mom (a former flower shop owner) and living out my dreams. Soon my mom will be working full time on the farm with me, as she takes over the Caro farm since we'll be moving winter 2021. My husband Max is a software developer and his company is located 3 hours away in lovely northern Michigan. We will soon be relocating to East Jordan Michigan where we will be breaking ground for a second flower farm spring of 2021.

There are so many days when I can't believe I get to live this life. I have a wonderfully supportive group of friends family, a lot of whom help me regularly on the farm and promote my business. Every year my business grows and I get better at growing these lovely little flowers. And my coworkers include the sun and the earth, for me, it doesn't get much better.

So that's me; an earth loving, hard working, business running, family focused flower lover, doing her best to embrace what God blesses me with. Join me and my mom (Cathy, pictured with me on the right) on our journey to grow Aurora (new dawn) Rose (my middle name) Flower Farm (kind of obvious, but I had to make sure our name said what we were!) as we laugh in the sun and appreciate the rain on our flower farm.

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